Our Brand-New Homepage is Finally Up and Running! 

Dear Members,

Welcome to our brand-new website. We have been working on this project since a long time now, and we are proud to present you with the first results.

Have a look around, and check all the features of the new site. We tried to implement all the features that we had been asked to provide by our membership, such as a members list that allows an easy contact but which can't be harvested by the annoying spambots. Our new content managment system based site has most of these features, and more features will be added on a regular basis.

This all wouldn't have been possible without the help of a professional web designer, Falk Wegner, and the help of our Board Member Jeff Kuyken – you both did a great job, and it has been a pleasure to work with you. Thanks a lot.

Thanks also to former Board Member Ken Newton for his assistance with the Meteorite Scams pages, and to all people who contributed so much great content to our old, and to our new website. You all rock, and deserve a special place in meteorite heaven!

Best Regards,
Norbert Classen
IMCA #7606
Vice President, IMCA Inc.

©2025 IMCA. All rights reserved.  


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