
The primary purpose and aim of the International Meteorite Collectors Association (I.M.C.A. Inc.) is to endeavour to ensure the authenticity of meteoritic material provided by its members. If members wish to sell or trade meteoritic specimens, then those items must be ‘actually and exactly what is claimed.’ (Merriam-Webster-Dictionary) Our members agree to adhere to the highest standards of meteorite identification and proper labelling practices. The membership maintains this high standard by monitoring each other’s activities for accuracy. It is every IMCA member’s responsibility and pleasure to offer help and assistance to fellow members in order to ensure specimens are genuine. I.M.C.A. is all about honest business practices.

For the purposes of this Code of Ethics, Meteoritic is defined as a material deemed to be of extraterrestrial origin according to standards of the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society and verifiable by a Meteoritical Society approved facility or approved individual. Meteoritic related impact materials shall be determined as such according to established standards and/or expert approval. In the event of an attempt to sell material the Board deems as ‘suspect’, members may be required to stop the transaction and first provide further evidence to the Board (or other relevant IMCA Committee) from an approved testing institution or approved individual of the Board’s choosing. Testing may also be required in the event of a disputed transaction.

Code of Ethics

1. I agree that my membership in the International Meteorite Collectors Association (I.M.C.A. Inc.) shall be contingent upon I.M.C.A.’s acceptance of my membership application, receipt of payment of all applicable dues, and my agreement to abide by the I.M.C.A.’s Code of Ethics and Bylaws, which shall be a part of all original and renewal membership applications.

2. As a Member, I will make every endeavour to ensure that I conduct my business affairs in a professional manner and avoid behaviour that could bring myself, the International Meteorite Collectors Association (I.M.C.A. Inc.) or its membership into disrepute. I shall conduct myself and my business affairs on sound, ethical principles, making every endeavour to conduct all sales, trades and other related transactions fairly and honestly.

3. I agree to respect laws and regulations related to the purchase, sale, trade or other related transactions concerned with the securing or disposing of all meteoritic material. In case of legal disputes, the IMCA will defer to the decisions made by authorities in the country where the meteoritic material has been deemed to originate.

4. I agree to report violations of the Code of Ethics to the I.M.C.A. Inc. Board (or appropriate committee) for resolution under its rules.

5. I agree that it is the sole responsibility of each member to accurately describe meteoritic material for sale, trade or other related transactions without providing any misleading or false information.

6. I agree that unclassified ‘meteorites’ that have not been verified as meteorites might not be meteorites. I will not sell or trade any meteorites or any questionable meteoritic material unless I first obtain verification. I agree to specify verified but unclassified material as such in connection with any sale, trade, or other transaction related to the same. Meteoritical Society guidelines will prevail in the circumstance of meteorite naming and pairing. I understand and agree that, as a member, I may be required to provide further evidence to the Board (or other relevant I.M.C.A. Committee), including but not limited to: the verification process utilized for unclassified meteorites, and/or documentation from an approved testing institution or approved individual of the Board’s choosing.

7. I agree that if my customer expresses dissatisfaction with a transaction, it is good business practice to give the customer an exchange or a refund. I agree to give an exchange or a refund to any customer who expresses legitimate dissatisfaction with a transaction within the time period specified in the terms of sale, or in default of a specified term, within thirty (30) days from receipt of the meteoritic material. Any member accused of fraudulent practices or ignoring legitimate customer complaints will subject their membership to a review. In the event of a disputed transaction where there is I.M.C.A. involvement, I understand that testing of the meteoritic material may be required and agree to cooperate with the Board (or other relevant I.M.C.A. Committee) in order to facilitate any required testing.


The I.M.C.A., Inc. (International Meteorite Collectors Association Inc.) prohibits members from engaging in any illegal activity in connection with meteoritic material. However, THE I.M.C.A. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDUCT OF ANY OF ITS MEMBERS. It is the responsibility of each member to be aware of all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to meteoritic material in their country and local jurisdiction. Members who have been adjudicated guilty of violating the law in connection with meteoritic material may have their membership suspended or revoked, in the sole and absolute discretion of the I.M.C.A. While the I.M.C.A. reserves the right to investigate any reported or perceived infraction of the law, it is under no obligation or duty to do so. However, I.M.C.A. shall in no event be required to take membership action and the Board of Directors and each of its officers and members are hereby indemnified with respect to any and all decisions made on behalf of the I.M.C.A. pertaining thereto.

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